Mutants and Masterminds

It’s hard to pick a favorite class, but I think my middle school boys are awesome. The other day, we did comparative adjectives. First, I asked the boys for their favorite X-men, and we played superhero charades. Some of the boys insisted that Spiderman was their favorite X-Man, and honestly, even in English the distiction between mutations is pretty fluid. And for all I know, there’s a Chinese crossover where Spiderman fights Magneto.

Then we watched X-Men, and then we covered comparative adjectives with a superhero compare-and-contrast. It was way better than the last time I ran this lesson!

The boys loved it, I encouraged them to argue (“No, no, Storm is stronger than Rogue!”) and I was able to introduce new vocabulary. Like mutant, crusader, vigiliante, henchman and nemesis. There was too much of a culture gap in this land of no-copyrights for me to explain Marvel and DC.
And we had a little trouble with minions and mastermind, until I told them that if I were going to take over the world, they could be my helpers. (I hope I don’t get deported.)

It was probably one of my best lessons, until one of the quiet kids — it’s always the quiet ones, isn’t it? — said “This is stupid. Who cares about X-Men? Superheroes are dumb!” I wanted to give him lines, but instead I made him say “Superheroes are dumber than superheroes with genetically enhanced brainpower”.

But I secretly hope he gets beat up after class.

Next Week: If I were a superhero, my superpower would be….

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0 Responses to Mutants and Masterminds

  1. Jay Adan says:

    Coolest… Teacher… Ever…

  2. Anonymous says:

    You could have given them the comparative: Chairman Mao is the mastermind, everyone else are the henchmen!


  3. Anonymous says:

    Okay, a mutant must be BORN with his powers. Spiderman gained his powers from the bite of a radioactive spider. As such, he is NOT a mutant and, therefore, cannot attend Xavier’s school for mutants or join the X-Men. For a short time, the Fantastic Four entertained the idea of initiating Spidey, but the X-men never did. In case you are wondering, the members of the Fantastic Four could also never be X-Men for the same reason–they were not born with their powers. Reed and Susan Richards’s (Mr. Fantastic and the Invisible Woman’s) child Franklin (Tattletale) IS a mutant and teamed with the mutant team Generation X for a short time.

    What are you teaching these kids??

  4. Anonymous says:

    BTW, that last comment was mine.

  5. Jay Adan says:

    It’s sad, but I knew that you wrote that even before I saw your acknowledgement…

  6. Anonymous says:

    Spider-man ain’t no X-Men. Your kids aren’t watching enough TV

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