Presents From Home!

Yesterday I was in the office and Will says “Meg! I have to talk to you!” Briefly entertaining fantasies that this conversation would involve my school-sponsored bar tab, I followed him.

“Who do you know called Katherine?” he asked.

I blinked for a moment.

“Katherine ThoroughlyUnpronouncableLastName?” he asked.

“Katie! Katie and Scep! Did they send me a letter? Is is a wedding announcement?”

“They sent you a package, but to get it, you have to tell me something nice–“

“Ok! Your hair looks a lot better since you cut it! Give me my package!”

“Something nice about Philly.” Will said, “Or you can tell me something bad about New Jersey,”

It’s usually not hard to get me to say something bad about my home state, BUT I’m not going to bash it for a Philly boy! And I have a little problem with doing what I’m told to do.

“Ok. Philly is nicer than New Orleans doing the hurricane, safer than the Gaza strip and smells better than chou douf!”

I eventually got my package, which did include their wedding announcement (I guess Scep’s really getting married!), and Katie sent me a mini-Etch-a-Sketch, markers, jewelry, two books of Mad Libs and other toys.

Scep sent me a flag with a Jimmy Buffet parrot and a daquiri that says “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere”. I plan to stick it on my door so my apartment is different from all the faded New Years banners.

They also sent me a Poe collection. I recently read The Purloined Letter and loved it. (If you thought Poe only wrote macabre buried-alive stories, you should check out his detective stories, they’re like good Arthur Conan Doyle mysteries) Now that I live alone in a creaky house, though, the only place suitable for reading Poe is in the middle of the park in broad daylight.

These are just some of the many reasons I love Scep and Katie.

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0 Responses to Presents From Home!

  1. Pastey White Guy says:

    You forgot the best thing about Philly… its not Jersey! (Oh, did I forget to mention that I grew up 15 minutes from where Scott grew up?) I hope I actually get to meet you one day! Tell Scott I’d like to see him sometime too… I’ve got a foosball score to settle with him.

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