Abrupt Change Of Plans

Stick’s new visa fell through at the last possible second. It was a dramatic disaster, but the short version is that apparently the school wasn’t quite as professional and aboveboard as we’d thought. His current visa expires tomorrow, so he is flying home tomorrow night.

I did my year in Yantai alone, and I really don’t want to live apart from Stick again. I’ll also be going home in a few weeks, when I finish my commitments here.

I’m heartbroken to leave China but I don’t want to be where Stick isn’t.

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0 Responses to Abrupt Change Of Plans

  1. Thanatos says:

    Ugh. VIsas. Don’t get me started.
    America’s strict visa policy may drive me to New Zealand next year..

  2. Gabrielle says:

    I am sorry to hear that. I have no idea why China is being such a prick over visas. I heard their reasons, and I think a lot of them are bogus. Perhaps, after the Olympics are over, you’ll be able to go back. Hope you and Stick have a safe trip back home.

    I’m sad your leaving, too. I liked reading about your China adventures.

  3. Jay says:

    On the other hand, we’ll all be looking forward to seeing you both again!

  4. allison says:

    Oh honey, that sucks!

    At least we’ll be in almost the same time zone again (I miss you sooo much!)

    Y’all should come visit us in Austin. We’d love to show you the city. It’s a ton of fun here.

  5. Nick says:

    @Thanatos: Sounds like a blessing to me. NZ rocks.

    @Meg: That sucks. This new policy seems to be hurting a lot of good laowai.

  6. flotsam says:

    I’m really sorry to hear of this – it makes you puke {UK vernacular], it sucks [US vernacular.

    These pages [and those of other china bloggers] are going to be very quiet in the coming months.

    I just wonder what the real reason behind it is.

  7. Meg says:

    Thanks, all. I know that in 6 months or so, I’ll be settled somewhere else saying “Isn’t this awesome? Good thing China threw us out!” but right now it sucks. I’m still wrapping my head around Stick being gone and having no idea where and when I’ll see him next, or what we’ll be doing next. We’re thinking about teaching elsewhere in Asia, but this is so sudden I don’t have any real plans.

    Jay and Allison — Stick has left for his dad’s place in Raleigh, and I’m planning on flying to NJ to see my family. With any luck, though, we’ll be in MA for a visit, I know Stick wants to see his mom and I want to see the crew at MeatFest.

    Thanatos — I’m with Nick on this one. Go Kiwi!

    Flotsam and Gabby — I have no idea what’s meant to be accomplished. Let’s invite the world to the Olympics… but not people who live and work in China! Maybe foreigners are the off-notes in the harmonious society?

  8. Pingback: Chinese Visa Regulations : Wander Words

  9. Kevin says:

    As Flotsam says, that sucks! Any chance you’ll return to China in the future?

  10. Andrea says:

    Meg, so sorry to hear it! On the other hand, looking forward to seeing you when you get back to NJ!

  11. Pingback: A question of security. « Chamber Of Ten Thousand Flowers

  12. G says:

    That sucks so much. I am very sorry.

    Upside? Being back in the Jerz for a little may be nice, no?

  13. Jay says:

    Raleigh? NJ? That aint right! Y’all belong out here.

  14. Meg says:

    @ Jay — I remember SOMEONE moving across the country…. now… who was that?

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