Subdivision Superhero

Green Lantern

I told Hal Jordan that maybe this isn’t the best way to maintain a secret identity, but he didn’t listen to me.

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0 Responses to Subdivision Superhero

  1. Gabrielle says:

    Haha! Do the people who name roads name them like this on purpose, or is it just a coincidence?

    One of the cooler streets in Columbia that I have found is called Party Street. I may have told you that.

    Oh, and by the way, Phil and I are China bound again. We leave in February unless something weird happens. 🙂

  2. Meg says:

    That is awesome! I’m so excited that you’re traveling again! Do you have a school and a city lined up already?

  3. Gabrielle says:

    I don’t any of the details of where we will be going quite yet. I am hoping for somewhere down south or further west. Every single one of my fingers and toes are crossed in hopes that I get adults. I wish we could go somewhere European to travel/work, but I think I need a little more experience. Maybe after a year or so in China, I’ll in up in Poland or something. I’ll let you know where we get placed as soon as I know. And you are more than welcome to visit if you like. 🙂

  4. Meg says:

    Yeah, European ESL jobs seem to be pretty hard to find because native-speaker Brits can be hired with EU paperwork instead of jumping through hoops to bring in an American. I’ve been thinking of heading back to Asia (but not China, someplace new) or possibly central America for my next teaching/traveling adventure.

    I hope you get nice small classes of adults!

  5. LaoLao says:

    After 25 months back in the US I’m thinking about taking a project in Suriname. As always free drinks for Gamecocks! And ESL/TOEFL instructors 😉

  6. Meg says:

    Suriname, huh? What kind of project? After 16 months back in the US, I’m thinking about heading, oh, anywhere! It’s been a lovely visit w/ friends and family but my feet are itching to travel again.

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