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Tag Archives: e3
American mei you
Although I’ve recently written a lot about it, I don’t want you to think that Chinese businesses have a monopoly on consumer exasperation. This is the locked pharmacy counter at a nearby supermarket… because no one would want to buy … Continue reading
Posted in New York City
Tagged chinese, Chinese life, e3, Eric, mac, mei you, New York City, Western food
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Everyone Forgets Lepidus
There are so many great things about being back in the US. Seeing Harry Potter 6 with other English books, instead of being the English book. And Dunkin’ Donuts. Wow, I love Dunkin’ Donuts and their amazing French Vanilla coffee. … Continue reading
Posted in Books, New York City
Tagged back in the US, Books, Chinese life, coffee, Dunkin' Donuts, e3, Harry Potter, New York City, Stick, World of WarCraft, WoW
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January First
I’m not saying I have a nerd family, but I saw this at my aunt’s today.
Bad Dogs
Yesterday, we went with Scep and Katie, and their dog Midnight, to the dogpark. It’s a fenced-in area with doggie exercise equipment and doggie-sized water fountains. And a puppy time-out area.
Tangerine Dream
Bridesmaid dress shopping with Katie!
First Day Back
Hey, this isn’t the line for the PS3!
Getting Rid Of My Jiao
…in the Trevi Fountain.
Beth’s Favorite Joke
Why do they polish this gate everyday? To protect the Finnish.