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Tag Archives: Harold
The Lasting Value of a Classical Education
Harold and I drove past this shop tonight, and I started giggling. “Cato Fashions!” I laughed, “I mean, it’s no Gatsby luxury haircare, but it’s pretty great, right?” “What?” Harold asked me. “What’s so funny about a women’s clothing chain?” … Continue reading
Bohemian Throwdown
Harold has written a new story for the comics collection Country Ass-Whupping, called Insights Into My Fiance’s Anger Issues, sorry, I mean, the story’s called Bohemian Throwdown. The other thing is just what I call it. This book is a one-shot fundraiser for … Continue reading
It’s Numbered, Too.
Harold: Oh, wow! Is this for me? Were you trying to hide this to give it to me later? Meg: No! That’s, um, that’s my Star Trek action figure that I was, um, storing in an unmarked box in the back of … Continue reading
Posted in North Carolina
Tagged Harold, North Carolina, Star Trek, things I'm not good at, WoW
Currier & Ives
There are a lot of upsetting things happening right now. The school shooting in Connecticut seems like part of a terrifying trend, that it’s not safe to do normal things, like go to a superhero movie, or go to school, … Continue reading
“After All This Time?”
I’ve written lots of times about reading and watching Harry Potter, sometimes as Harry Potter therapy for different things happening in my life. In college, my roommate Kristine and I would lie on the couches, watch Harry Potter, and escape … Continue reading
Posted in New York City
Tagged Brooklyn, games, Harold, Harry Potter, New York City, Seattle
In Which I Am Very Old
A few days ago, I slipped on the stairs outside Harold’s apartment, and fell about half a flight, hitting my back on every step on the way down. It was…. not my finest moment. I tried to handle it with some … Continue reading
Mei You
I’m back in Brooklyn, but I left both my DVD of Harry Potter 1 and my Circle of Friends paperback with Harold in Chapel Hill. At the time, I thought it was symbolic of my commitment to the relationship, in … Continue reading
Relationship Page
So Facebook has started making relationship pages for users in relationships. This is a typical Facebook move, because it magically turned up, there’s no way to opt-out, and there’s already the predictable backlash of privacy concerns. By now we all … Continue reading
Talking A Lot
People sure talk a lot in the south. I’ve been helping Harold get set up, which is kind of a special hell because my rage starts building when I have to wait for simple things. I’ve been trying to be … Continue reading
Posted in New York City, North Carolina
Tagged Brooklyn, Chapel Hill, coffee, Harold, New York City, North Carolina