Tag Archives: Stick

Feel-Good Revolution

After Saturday night KTV with the CNReviews crew, on Sunday Stick andI met up with Heather and Will. They’ve been living in our complex since the fall, although we hadn’t met. We know some of the other teachers in their … Continue reading

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International Communications

Stick and I saw this car on Saturday when we were walking down to Houhai from our NEW APARTMENT. “Wash me” in three languages. I love Beijing! We kept walking down along the lake to the Starbucks. It was just … Continue reading

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Take Care Knock Heads

In Beijing, it’s hard to get away from the Olympic improvements. I think the changes are somewhere between using the good china for company, and completely reinventing your wardrobe, habits and personality to attract some guy from history class. (Not … Continue reading

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One-Way Street

Yesterday, we went up to Wudaokou to visit Sven. Wudaokou is a cool college-town area in northwest of the city, Propaganda is down the street, and a Pizza Hut, and an English bookstore. Our favorite Indian restaurant, Ganges, is just … Continue reading

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My English Name Is Voldemort

Thanks to Sven (who does not foster age-inappropriate crushes) for the title. I asked one of my classes to write about their Chinese names. What’s your Chinese name? Who choose your name? What does it mean? Are you named after … Continue reading

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Twelve Kwai Of Trouble

Stick and I went back to our possible hutong home, mostly to see if we could find it on our own. We were successful, and I fell even more in love with the neighborhood. The area is Brick Factory Road, … Continue reading

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Alive And Well

Just wanted to reassure everyone that the earthquake was very far from Beijing, and Stick and I are fine! If I weren’t so classy, this is where I would put a joke about the earth not moving for either of … Continue reading

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We were coming out of the Hou Hai Starbucks this afternoon, and saw a water poet. I’ve written about this before, I think it’s awesome to watch them paint disappearing poems with their giant brushes. We went over to watch … Continue reading

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Displaced Jersey Girl

Stick and I went to look at a possible new apartment in a hutong. We met with the rental agent at the subway station, and he led us down a maze of twisty little passages, lined with stands selling beige … Continue reading

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Cow Cow Steak

“Stick! Look! That sign says ‘Cow Cow Steak Restaurant’!!! Check me out, I read the whole thing!” “Hooked on radicals worked for Meg,”

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