Tag Archives: Stick

Vanity Fare

Contrary to my Jersey girl heritage, I don’t have long nails or airbrushed designs or little rhinestones on my fingertips. I just get a layer of acrylic and polish piled on top of my real nails to make me less … Continue reading

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Wedding Reception / Waffle House

This weekend, Stick and I went to North Carolina for his brother’s wedding. I was pretty apprehensive about meeting the extended Stick clan, but it worked out well. If you’ll be meeting your signifigant other’s family in the near future, … Continue reading

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On Saturday night, Stick wanted me to go to the Cyberlore 12th anniversary party with him.  It was in the Cyberlore offices, they have a cool loft-y space anyway. One room was blacklit DDR, another was just booze in coolers, … Continue reading

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Goodbye Professor Antioch

On Friday I went to Prof. Antioch’s memorial service, it was at the bar of the Lord Jeff, which is somehow quite appropriate. I went with Marcus, and we got an odd look from Magistra. See, Magistra knew that I … Continue reading

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Halloween at Castle Von Hoffmann

This is Stick’s Greek helmet and my Minoan octopus pumpkin. Bio geek Kristine topped us both with a hanging-upside-down possum, but the pictures didn’t turn out. 11/1/08 Crazy link from WebUrbanist’s nerdy Halloween list. The internet is weird!

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City Of Heroes

Why isn’t City of Heroes more fun? It’s a multiplayer superhero game, and yet somehow it’s boring. This is coming from a girl who regularly meets up with a dozen friends for an Abberrant game (for non-gamers, that means we … Continue reading

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Move-In Day in Southwest

Last night Stick and I had a really big fight and I left angry. This morning I got up really early and went to Stick’s dorm to apologize and as I got onto campus, I ran into him on his … Continue reading

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Stivison On The Future

The Sims 2 is coming out next month! September 17th, if you’re not already counting down. The Sims is a real tough act to follow. It’s the best-selling PC game ever, because it is hugely popular with a wide audience, … Continue reading

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I have come to the conclusion that I am too stupid to watch football. I can tell you the Julian-Claudian linage from Appius the Blind to Nero. I can debate post-colonial theory. I am lethal at AoE and Civ2. I … Continue reading

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Infatuation and rotten movies

Stick and I went to see The Village yesterday. I got the tickets, which is truly a rarity. Stick has this bizarre, old-fashioned notion that he needs to pay for me, which is sweet, but this time I ran a … Continue reading

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