I’m really excited to be working with the CN Reviews team, joining Elliot Ng, David Feng, Min Guo and Kai Pan. CNReviews is a thoughtful discussion on tech, travel, trends, the China blogosphere, and the crazy adventures when East meets West. My first article, Wang Ba: Gaming in a Strange Land, just went up.
I can’t stress enough what a great group of authors CNReviews has. I’ve enjoyed reading the insightful, cross-cultural articles, but I realized what an impressive group this is when I was trying to come up with an author bio. Usually this is easy, I just mention that I live in China. But with this crew, that’s not an impressive credential at all. Right, so you’re an American living in Beijing, and…?
Anyway, I’m pleased to be the new kid on this project, and you can check out all the articles at CNreviews.com
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