Fitzwilliam Darcy, Rock Star
This is my absolute favorite reimagining of Pride and Prejudice, as you can probably tell from my squee-ful book review. If you thought Charlotte Lucas got a raw deal or you wanted to see Darcy as a rock god, go read it now.
Bride And Prejudice This wonderful Bollywood version highlights the sisterly bonds between Jane and Elizabeth, er, Jaya and Lalita, without skimping on the handsome men. In between the group dance numbers and hilarious songs, there’s a great deal of commentary on British imperialism and India. Wickham is perfectly modernized as a gap year(s) backpacker, while Bingley is Darcy a business traveler complaining about electrical brownouts.
Manga Classics: Pride & Prejudice
Reading backwards is disorienting, but worth it for this Japanese comic book reinvention of P&P. The story’s been lightly edited, with fashions that are more princessy then regency, small additions to the plot, and an interesting development in Charlotte’s backstory. Plus, superdeformed Mrs. Bennett is a great laugh.
Death Comes to Pemberley This is a P. D. James murder mystery set at Pemberley. Come for the Elizabeth and Darcy’s married banter, stay for the corpse found in the Pemberley woods.
Stride & Prejudice
(game) This is an adorable game, blending Regency fashions and 8-bit art, and sending Elizabeth Bennett endlessly running down the P&P text, much further than her hike to Netherfeld Hall. But while I could read the novel pretty much every day, and for a few months in 2006, I did, I only have so much interest in endless runners.
Betrothed to Mr. Darcy Almost nothing happens in this novella, and I mean that in the best way. Just imagine wedding plans with Mrs. Bennett being impossible and Bingley being blindly agreeable. Also, Elizabeth and Darcy talk a lot. Yes..
Mr Darcy Takes A Wife, for a scene in which Mr Collins falls into a mud puddle and drowns, and The Independence of Miss Mary Bennett for a human sacrifice cult in the secret cave network outside Pemberley.
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