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Category Archives: North Carolina
Rejecting Rejection
Dear editor, Thank you for considering me as a recipient of your rejection letter. I received an overwhelming response from many talented publications, and I reviewed them all carefully before making any decision. Unfortunately, your letter does not suit my present needs. … Continue reading
Wanted: Sidekick with Flashbulb Camera
I got this sticker from my dad the other day. Now I just have to find the guys from The Kartel and steal one of their hats, and I’m all set to be an old-time reporter!
MyTribe’s New Mystery
So my favorite Facebook game, MyTribe recently added sending gifts and begging for gifts, and that’s pretty much the day I lost interest in the game. It was extra frustrating because there were so many great ways MyTribe could have … Continue reading
Posted in Game Reviews, Raleigh
Tagged Facebook, facebook games, Farmville, Flotsam's Call, Game Reviews, jewel Vault, LOST, My Tribe, MyTribe, new mysteries, Raleigh, random
The Daring Game For Girls
When I wasn’t teaching or running around Manhattan with packs of teenagers, I checked out The Daring Game For Girls on the DS. I know this is the girl-player stereotype, but I just can’t overstate how important a customizable avatar … Continue reading
Posted in Game Reviews, Raleigh
Tagged cooking, daring game for girls, e3, family, Game Reviews, games, glasses, LOST, Lost in Blue 2, nintendo DS, Raleigh, teaching
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Lord Stabbington
The last few days of school had a lot of angst for my students as summer couples separated. I always enjoy being the older confidante in teenage adventures, but this particular situation reminded me so much of being exactly my … Continue reading
Posted in New Jersey, Raleigh
Tagged British, Dr. Horrible, e3, Evil League of Evil, games, Joss Whedon, mail, movies, my students, New Jersey, Raleigh, teaching teenagers
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Two Worlds Collided
Tonight was the end-of-term dance for the students, and some of the responsible adults also grabbed the chance to dance around the gym/auditorium, gossip by the water fountain, hang out with the smokers on the stairs and generally act like … Continue reading
Posted in New Jersey, Raleigh
Tagged e3, gaming, General, New Jersey, Raleigh, teaching teenagers, things I'm not good at
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Hard Copy
Oh, look, it’s a game to which I’ve contributed in a tiny way, on the real shelf in the real store. This will never get old for me. Apologies to any Target employees who might not have enjoyed my happy … Continue reading
Bu Chai
Tom Lasseter, who replaced Tim Johnson as the China correspondent for McClatchy, mentioned today on his blog that Beijing plans to renovate all the hutongs around the Drum and Bell Towers. Renovation is hardly news in Beijing, where the pre-Olympic … Continue reading
One Hubcap ‘Cause Three Got Stolen
I remember driving alone from Vermont back to Western Mass a few months after I’d started driving, and feeling like the trip was an object lesson in gorgeous road metaphors. The curves in the mountain roads, blind corners, broad views down the mountain, … Continue reading
Posted in Raleigh
Tagged cars, driving, Google, New England, Raleigh, things I'm not good at
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Indie Game Mag, Issue 11
Issue 11 of Indie Game Mag is out, including my article on IndieCade: In the midst of the booth babes, the pumping ‘Poker Face’ from the Dance Central demo at Harmonix, and the all-out gaming promo swag of E3 is … Continue reading
Posted in Los Angeles, Raleigh
Tagged e3, games, gaming, Indie Game Mag, indie games, indiecade, Los Angeles, Raleigh