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Tag Archives: Harold
This American Life
Listening to This American Life is usually a solitary activity. I started listening to TAL regularly when I lived in North Carolina, and I was convinced that Ira Glass was sending dispatches from the urban world directly to me (and … Continue reading
Sunshine Challenged
I ended up with my apartment in Bed-Stuy because it was close to the train to my office work, walking distance to Harold and to Roy, and near lots and lots of hipster coffeeshops, but my bedroom happens to have … Continue reading
Kuala Lumpur
The following is probably only funny to my college friends, but it proves that I’m not the only one who waits years for the perfect chance to say something ridiculous. Eric does too! Meg: Remember when you poured iced tea … Continue reading
Irish Cream Latte
Harold: …then we’ll go once you’ve finished your coffee, James Joyce. Meg: What did you just call me? Harold: James Joyce. Because of your Irish cream latte. Meg: Oh, thank goodness! I thought you meant because I write long and … Continue reading
Posted in New York City, North Carolina
Tagged coffee, Harold, New York City, North Carolina
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Spiderman’s Villians
My sister came down from Boston to crash with me for a couple nights, while she visited the labs at NYU and met more professors and researchers. She had a lot to do in a short visit, but she had … Continue reading
Walking Back
Harold’s been offered a job out of NYC and we were at a coffeeshop midway between our apartments, talking about it — Oh, sorry! I might not have expressly stated that where Harold lives and works has a direct impact … Continue reading
Posted in Brooklyn, New York City, North Carolina
Tagged Chapel Hill, coffee, G Train, Harold, New York City, North Carolina, subway
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Internet Trendsettr
Harold, Chip and I went to a talk at The Yard, and then walked over to a nearby hipster spot for red wine. (Oh, and food.) We were, of course, talking shop. My friend Chip thinks in URLs and apps. … Continue reading
Comic Book Men
The other night, Harold wanted to give Comic Book Men a try. As far as I can tell, this show is about the staff of a New Jersey comic book shop, who make nerd culture jokes and dick jokes. There … Continue reading
I’m on the phone with Eric and I ask him to tell Kristine, his sister and my old roommate, that I made use of some of her herpetology background while in Florida. “Oh?” Eric said, jumping to the immediate Hoffmann … Continue reading