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Tag Archives: Harold
Our flight was mysteriously delayed for two hours, but we noticed another JetBlue flight flying into JFK a couple hours earlier, and asked the employees if maybe there were two seats on the earlier flight. (Oh, and internet? Harold would … Continue reading
Posted in Florida, New York City
Tagged airports, Brooklyn, Harold, New York City, travel
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Shopping At Hogsmeade
Harold was in Orlando for work, and I went down to join him for a couple days. My trip was thrown together in my typical impulsive way, which is not usually how staid, organized Harold likes to do things. So … Continue reading
Twenty Minutes
“North Carolina’s not so bad!” I think, changing planes in Charlotte on my way to see Harold. “It’s sunny here, and southern politeness is charming. Maybe I should just have a better attitude! It’s probably going to be fine!” I … Continue reading
Wally’s Cafe
I got back from Denver late Sunday night, dragged myself into Manhattan for work this morning, and started IMing with Roy as I set up the test environment. Roy: I ran into Harold at Wally’s Cafe this weekend Meg: oh … Continue reading
Also, I Have Pretty Hair
Last week, I went to Hair Metal over in Greenpoint to have my hair repurpled. I’d passed this salon earlier this summer, walking with Harold, and it’s a quiet kind of delight to actually be living a couple subway stops … Continue reading
Not Terribly Reassuring
Harold and I are sitting in the coffeeshop, sorting out travel plans with all the moving parts of family days and work deadlines and transportation. “You’ll be on a little Buddy Holly Killer to Raleigh…” He says. “Oh, sorry, you … Continue reading
Stupid Mundane Garbage
So I lost my phone the other day. This is pretty annoying for a lot of reasons, the biggest one is that I don’t have a phone. Well, actually, I do have a phone, a second-hand Verizon model that would … Continue reading
Amazon Jungle
Harold sent me an Amazon link to Wisegal, a casual game he produced, because it’s gotten a pretty stunning player review: This game is very fun. It is not an easy game nor is it very hard. It is perfect. … Continue reading
Lex Julia
Eric called me a few days ago to say the Pompeii exhibit, Life And Death In The Shadow of Vesuvius, is now up near him in Boston, and that he was planning to take his not-girlfriend to see it. I … Continue reading
A couple weeks ago, I went to look at a potential apartment. The apartments I’ve been viewing were all basically the same, but the neighborhood seems to change pretty dramatically over a few blocks of walking. It was late evening as … Continue reading