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Tag Archives: Harold
Power Play
I was really excited when I saw posts on my Tumblr feed announcing Reilly Brown and Kurt Christenson’s new comic Power Play: Our story revolves around Mac, a college student in NYC who suddenly finds himself with superpowers. Does he … Continue reading
The other night, I was having a drink with Harold and the awesome Francesco Marconi from Herograph when we got talking about gamification. I was at a total loss for why hearing “gamification” sometimes makes me want to kick people … Continue reading
Posted in Gaming Culture, New York City
Tagged games, Harold, Herograph, Jane McGonigal, New York City, Twistianapolis 500
Changing Gears
When I picked up my first ZipCar, a couple weeks ago, I went out to the parking spot in Newark, and swiped my card over the car’s windshield. The doors unlocked, I got in and pressed the go button (Priuses … Continue reading
“Guess what I did while you were away?” Harold asks, when I get back from E3. “Read a Star Trek novel on your iPad?” “Um. Well, yes. But I was going to say something else.”
Sold Out Screamland
This is where Harold’s Screamland would be if Meltdown Comics on Sunset wasn’t sold out. This is the sort of event that makes me call up and leave a superexcited voicemail (…it also seems to make me forget that there’s … Continue reading
Continuity Issues
“Remember when you were at SxSW, and I got comics without you, and you were disappointed* that I didn’t wait for you?” Harold asked on the phone the other night. “What would you think if I didn’t wait until you’re … Continue reading
Factually Accurate
“If we don’t get this content release out, I’m going to be like John the Baptist!” Harold pauses here, unsure if I’m following him. “Do you know who that is?” “Yes. I do. You know what my dad does for … Continue reading
Risk Reward Ratio
A few mornings ago, I was in Starbucks with Harold. Also, the sun came up that day. But on this particular day, the guy on the register was so horribly unpleasant that it stands out from my usual Starbucks visits. … Continue reading
Journalists’ Secret Handshake
I always feel like when I make just a little bit more money on a story, or get into a magazine with a slightly higher circulation, I’ll feel like a real writer. But right now, whenever I receive a press … Continue reading
Posted in New York City
Tagged being a real journalist, Comics, games, Harold, minor milestones, New York City, press pass
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Hufflepuffs and Sparkly Vampires
“Why do you hate Hufflepuffs so much?” Harold asked me a few days ago. Other recent conversations at work include the one where my boss calls me to come over immediately and then asks me whether Megatron is an Autobot … Continue reading