Tag Archives: Stick

Stick in New Jersey

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Return To The Middle Kingdom

What with my sister coming home from India last weekend and my brother getting married next weekend, I had some trouble finding time to tell my folks that Stick and I are planning to go back to China in September. … Continue reading

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Well, it could be the Ramones…

This is Stick’s graduation card from his brother and sister-in-law. This picture’s not the greatest, but it includes detailed instructions on how to spend the enclosed check. “We want this to go to towards something fun — A video game, … Continue reading

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Stick Likes Chickens

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China Addiction

Stick asked me if I wanted to go back to China at the end of the summer. I don’t know, I don’t feel an amazing love of Yantai. China is like Wonkaland, and while I’m still curious about China, the … Continue reading

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The Basic Art Of Italian Cooking

The Basic Art of Italian Cooking by Maria Liberati is part cookbook and part travel memoir. Between recipes, Maria shares travel adventures, like meeting her now-husband, and misadventures, like the Italian-language student who asked for a shower, instead of a … Continue reading

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Famous International Brand

Although I still have 3 weeks left of classes, it’s definately summer in Amherst. Stick decided to spring for an air conditioner instead of a fan, and he picked up and installed the new box with amazing speed. Actually, we … Continue reading

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UMass Graduation

Stick’s graduation! If you haven’t seen the Andrew Card protest at the UMass graduation, you should watch this video.

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We’re On First Names With The Insurance Company

This morning, Stick and I woke up to the sound of someone banging on our across-the-hall neighbors’ door. At least, we assumed it was their door, since we don’t have too many friends who make unannounced Sunday-morning visits. It was … Continue reading

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Sometimes my ESL lessons don’t go every well, and when that happens, they fail spectacularly. My freewrite today was a journal entry about one day in childhood, which I thought would lead neatly into a review of irregular past tense … Continue reading

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