Tag Archives: Stick


“Oh no! There’s that girl coming up the path to give me flowers!” Stick announced. I looked up from my book and told my boyfriend that I didn’t want to hear it. “I really thought that after I hooked up … Continue reading

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Bikini Gaming

Usually I get really excited about girl-gaming news, only to find out it’s an ad for Barbie’s Magical Something. This time, I was totally let down for a different reason. For so long, video games have been very much a … Continue reading

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Met Road Trip

It’s not just me. Stick, Hugo and Diana love Dunkin’ Donuts too. Our destination. Most people don’t know this, but the ancient Greeks actually invented the thong. Unfortunately, they used copper, so it never really caught on. Even the pharoahs … Continue reading

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A Nice Fire-Engine Red

I tried to convince Stick that this fire engine would solve all my driving problems. Too much traffic? Turn on the flashers! No place to park? Park in the fire lane! Forget when we parked the car? Oh, yeah, it’s … Continue reading

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Car shopping with Stick.

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High School Themesongs

So we’ve got a rental car, what with Stick’s cougar getting crashed a few weeks ago. If anyone from our insurance company is reading this, can I emphasize that it was NOT MY FAULT? (Sorry if I’ve been a little … Continue reading

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Happy Easter!

Last night, Stick and I dyed eggs (and our hands).

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“Do you think it’s called china because it’s made in China?” Stick asked. “Yeah, probably.” I said. “That’s funny, because now everything is made in China.”

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High Romance

I knew that there would be an adjustment period as Stick and I reaclimated to each other, but I didn’t know there would be a honeymoon period, too. I’m always delighted when Stick gets me a drink or picks up … Continue reading

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Belated China Story

This story came up last night, when Stick and I went out with Jay and his family, and I realized I’d never posted it here. One day when Stick was visiting me in China, I was in class, so he … Continue reading

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