Tag Archives: Stick

Repatriation Blues

When I was in Yantai, pining for the smell of my beloved Herbal Essences shampoo, they stopped making it. Perhaps it’s no coincidence that this happened while their best customer (me) wasn’t able to buy any. Yesterday I went to … Continue reading

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Happy New Year!

I can’t believe that last Chinese new year I was just starting my trip to China, and crying over leaving Stick, and this new year we’re unpacking time-capsule boxes and setting up our new place! I’m trying to convince Stick … Continue reading

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Look what Stick got me for Valentine’s Day! That’s right! We’re moving next week! (It does make me feel a little guilty for making fun of his cookies now.)

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Cougar Chasing

This morning, Stick and I got up really early to pick up his car from the mechanic. We drove down in our borrowed car, ransomed his Cougar, then I took his newly-fixed car and he took the loaner. I followed … Continue reading

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Living With Stick

In China, I blogged and read blogs because I just didn’t have enough English speakers around me. I needed to read TalkTalkChina, Sinosplice, Humanaught, OneManBandWidth and other blogs to remind myself that other people were surviving and exploring the wild … Continue reading

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And That’s How I Got My Name

On Sunday, Eric and his family had a Welcome Back party for me. Eric made a huge Bon Voyage sign and then taped “Welcome Back, The Meg!” over it. He seems to think that he’ll be able to get more … Continue reading

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A New Semester

It’s the beginning of the semester, and I need a new parking pass. At UMass, I go see Marcus but at Local Community College, I end up waiting for a while, trying to catch the attention of one of the … Continue reading

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Everyone Forgets Lepidus

There are so many great things about being back in the US. Seeing Harry Potter 6 with other English books, instead of being the English book. And Dunkin’ Donuts. Wow, I love Dunkin’ Donuts and their amazing French Vanilla coffee. … Continue reading

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Grocery Shopping

Scep, Katie, Stick and I stopped at a local grocery store, looking for snacks, soda and normal gaming food. It’s common to say that Americans are fat… but I don’t think I’d ever realized it so strongly. The grocery store … Continue reading

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Unpleasant Truths

Stick and I went to Scep and Katie’s house just after our lost-baggage adventure and just before our marathon Wii session. Scep’s mom, my “aunt”, came in, and after the obligatory China questions and hugs, I remembered that I have … Continue reading

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