Tag Archives: Stick

Marco Polo

When I thought about seeing Stick again in Rome, I imagined coming off the plane, with shining hair, and possibly a cute shoulder bag, and running towards Stick’s arms. I forgot a lot of little details, like dragging all my … Continue reading

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Phineus Fogg Never Had These Problems

The combination of emotional goodbyes and all the stuff I left until that last minute, the anticipation of seeing Stick again, and worrying about getting through 3 international airports speaking 0 of the national languages meant that I didn’t eat … Continue reading

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Looking Into The Future

I know what’s going to happen. In a few weeks, I’ll be back home and living with Stick (Stick’s mother has asked me to please stop calling it Shacking Up). “My apartment in China,” I’ll tell him sometime when he’s … Continue reading

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I’m leaving China in two weeks, and going to Rome to see Stick. I can hardly believe that my China year is over. And I’m going to see Stick again! In Rome, which is the classicist equivilent of Disneyland. And … Continue reading

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Big Mountain

It seems that all expats in China all have something in common. It’s not just our supply of Purell, or our shared lust of bread and cheese, there’s also the group hatred of Da Shan. Da Shan / Mark Roswell … Continue reading

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It’s All True

I wrote this a few days ago but I made it sticky to faciliate the flame war make it easier for folks coming over from Sinosplice. One thing that about learning Chinese that makes me crazy is that there seems … Continue reading

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Pepero Day

Today all my Korean kids came to class wearing traditional Korean dresses and eating this amazing candy called pepero. Pepero is a Korean version of a chocolate-covered pretzel. Or chocolate-pretzels are the Amewrican version of pepero. Either way, pepero is … Continue reading

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Without Thanksgiving

I’m heartbroken that I’ll miss Thanksgiving at home this year. I love every part of the holiday, but especially the food and my family in all our dysfunctional glory. I love getting home on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Last year … Continue reading

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Six Weeks Left In China

I love Yantai with the part of my heart that’s not full of the love-hate expats have for China. It’s hard to fully love a places in which all travel involves dealing with an Mandarin-speaking Whitmore. Here, I’m a G-rated … Continue reading

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In Yellow Wood

Today, my boss Will offered me really good terms to work in Yantai next year. (I’d get a lot of nice things, and none of that pesky responsibility junk) I really like my job, I like my students, and I … Continue reading

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