Tag Archives: Stick

Cheddar, edam, brie, gouda

When I’m traveling, I tend to blindly assume everything’s going to come out all right. There won’t be mice in this bathroom! Of course we’ll get off this island! Sure this is the right bus! But traveling with Zorro is … Continue reading

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Finding Equilibrium

I’ve known since I was little that gas expands to fill all the available space. I knew this rule like some of my students know their wordlists, so I mean I was able to repeat it when prompted or write … Continue reading

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For Love Or Money

This story on Laowai!Laowai! talks about running a speaking exercise for high school age ESL students. This exercise asks each student to choose between Love or Money, and explain why. Without exception, the boys in his class chose Love while … Continue reading

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Shrimp Melon Popcorn

After my last post (and this one, this one, and, actually, almost everything else I’ve written about China), I need to explain that I don’t really hate all Chinese food. There are some amazing foods here, like scallion-egg pancakes and … Continue reading

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Stick In Rome

Stick called me from Rome the other night! It was so great to talk to him! And then he mentioned the Subject About Which We Do Not Speak. A lot of couples have one, an issue that’s tacitly acknowledged but … Continue reading

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Chinese Food. Again.

When Stick was here, I constantly surprised myself with how much I’ve adjusted to Chinese life. Things like “yeah, yeah, Chinglish signs are funny, whatever” came out of my mouth… when I wasn’t spitting on the street, that is. Stick … Continue reading

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Best Asian Diarist

I was nominated as Best Asian Diarist on the Asia Blog Awards! It’s awesome to see that people are reading and liking my blog and it’s not just Stick hitting refresh to inflate my counter and make me happy. I … Continue reading

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Beijing Mecca

I really wanted to go see the Niu Jie mosque in Beijing, mostly because I was curious what Chinese-Muslim architecture would look like. It was on my list of cool places places to see when I went to Beijing with … Continue reading

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I can’t watch this!

When Stick and I were in Qingdao, we stopped at a tiny DVD store, mostly so he could read the Chinglish. After a few months in Yantai, I’m usually so excited to see an English sentence, that I can over … Continue reading

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Meg and Beth on the Great Wall

This is my sister Bethie and me on the Great Wall of China. At the Great Wall, Stick and I did a impromptu skit. I talked a vendor halfway down and then said “I really want it, but my husband … Continue reading

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