Tag Archives: Stick

Hot and Heavy

My air conditioner died. I know, I know, you were expecting this post to be all about Stick and how great he is and stick-figure romance and our trip to Beijing to pick up my sister and our visit the … Continue reading

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En Route To Beijing

It is amazing to have Stick here. The trip from Yantai to Beijing was awesome because at each airport checkpoint, and sometimes in between, Stick asked me if I still had our passports. Did you catch that? Our passports. Yeah. … Continue reading

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While Walking In China…

Meg: Stick, if we lived in China and you had a motorscooter instead of a car would you let my hang onto the back? Stick: Sure, baby. I’d even buy you a helmet!

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Adventure in China.

When I was younger, I really liked playing text-based computer games. I played a lot of Adventure, a game without any graphics in which you controlled the story by typing commands, like Open Door or Take Gold. Often, you needed … Continue reading

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Stick Eating Chinese Food

Stick: What’s in this dish?Meg: I’d rather not tell you. The boy’s here, and we had disaster at the airport followed by a great time in Qingdao. More later.

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The White People Want More

Stick and I went to Qingdao, and because he doesn’t speak any Chinese, even my rudimentary Chinese was pretty impressive. (He doesn’t know I’m saying “Buy Ticket Qingdao Two Yes?”) We walked by the beach, found a place for cucumber … Continue reading

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In Qingdao, there’s a stretch of coastline for the tourists. There are vendors with polished seashells, strings of Qingdao pearls, postcards and the inevitable cheap plastic crap. There’s a toilet for which you’re expected to pay admission. (Stick: I’m not … Continue reading

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Imperfect, Tense

Stick called midway through my teenage girls class — I was telling them that they had to be more focused, that they needed to pay attention instead of coming to class with their minds somewhere else, and then my cell … Continue reading

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Seventeen Hours Late

Pie2k is a webcomic my old boyfriend Matt writes about a bunch of crazy characters who bear an uncanny resemblance to his college friends. In one strip, a young man called “Miko” is waiting for a visit from his friend … Continue reading

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Maturity Level

Last night, Dave, Zorro and I went to play pool. Actually, they played pool and I cheered. I tried to take pictures, but as soon as I took this one, an employee told me not to. (I was thrilled when … Continue reading

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