Tag Archives: Stick

Cheesy Pop Song

I talked to Stick last night in my pre-visit freakout. Because I haven’t seen him in so long, I feel like this is going to be a first date. In a way, I’m excited about it. I love first dates, … Continue reading

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Presents From Home!

Yesterday I was in the office and Will says “Meg! I have to talk to you!” Briefly entertaining fantasies that this conversation would involve my school-sponsored bar tab, I followed him. “Who do you know called Katherine?” he asked. I … Continue reading

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One Month Until Stick Visits!

To be totally honest, I’m a lot more worried about Stick’s arrival than I am about his absence. I haven’t seen the boy in 5 months — it’ll be 6 by the time he arrives — and a lot can … Continue reading

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Bing Kafei

When I was younger, I could tell when my mom had a deadline because she’d turn on the Greatful Dead and drink a latte. (Wow, did that just sum up my mom, or what?) My mom loves lattes but my … Continue reading

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The Anti-China

My new boss, “Will,” is the anti-China. I don’t mean his dislikes our host country, but he takes responsibility in a land where no one knows anything about that and no one knows when someone who does know will be … Continue reading

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You People

The other day I was crossing the street and I said “You people invented gunpowder and silk! Surely mastering a turn signal is nothing to that!” Usually shouting witticisms at my non-English speaking surroundings makes me feel better, but today … Continue reading

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Helen of Yantai

I tutor a little girl called Helen, and by “tutor” I mean we play Barbies and lots of clapping games. She is bright, sweet, funny and the picture to the left shows her dressed up for her school concert and … Continue reading

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Meg Vs. Mandarin

Stick’s mom is famous for forcing me to watch Nascar and driving my hyperactive self to the MTELs. The other day, she e-mailed me to tell me she’d learned some Mandarin words, and she gave the examples wo xiang-nian ni … Continue reading

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Chinese Standards

My new co-worker, David, and I both have Thursdays and Fridays off, so yesterday we went exploring downtown. “is this squid on a stick kosher?” “The next person who calls me lao wei…” The Lonely Planet mentions that Yantai #2 … Continue reading

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Gamer Girls Are News In Yantai

I’m sure they wanted a picture of the foreign teacher actually teaching, but instead this is me playing WoW with Stick.

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