Tag Archives: Stick

Some People Juggle Geese

Stick and I went to see Serenity on Saturday. As we were on our way to meet up with his friends, who’d seen the movie on Friday but wanted to go again on Saturday, Marcus called my cell to say … Continue reading

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Jesse’s Girl

Thank goodness for Stephie’s new boyfriend, Jesse. Now Stick and I can go on double dates with Actually-Plans-Ahead Boy and Navigates-Successfully Girl.

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Take On Me

So last night I went out to sidekick on Stephanie’s night. We were going to go to 80’s night at Diva’s, and see her crush. He couldn’t actually come to Diva’s, but they did have a Moment, with a longing … Continue reading

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The Joint List

So yesterday I went to the supermarket. Yes, I’m about to post about grocery shopping, but don’t worry, there’s angst AND cock involved. Anyway, I was grocery shoping when I ran into Bethany from knitting club (yes I go to … Continue reading

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HBO’s Rome

Sunday was the first episode of HBO’s Rome series. Stick, being the Greatest Boyfriend Ever actually ordered HBO just so we could watch it. The story begins at a point everyone recognizes, with Caesar in Gaul and Pompey home waiting … Continue reading

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A Day At The Races

On Saturday, Stick and I were hanging around in that “I don’t know, what do you want to do today?” stage that really is the lamest part of couple-ness. And by hanging around, I mean he was interrupting my manicure … Continue reading

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No-Plan-Ahead Boy and No-Sense-of-Direction Girl, Again

On the way down to Mystic, we once again proved that the combination Meg and MapQuest is disasterous. I can read a map very well, but MapQuest is like getting directions from the friend who says he knows a shortcut. … Continue reading

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Rachel’s Wedding

Rachel‘s wedding was this weekend. I considered inventing a tale about all the crazy cool things I’m doing with my life now, because for some reason I thought I should impress people who were important to me ten years ago. … Continue reading

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My job at Lonely Hearts is a lot like everyone else’s office job, only I’m supposed to be gossiping on the phone all day. Sometimes two members will go on the same date and have completely different experiences. (Sometimes this … Continue reading

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Grammar and Mechanics

I passed my MTELs! I got a 97 in reading! I showed my roommates, well, actually I did a happy little dance and they came to see about all the crashing. Chris asked me if that’s percentage correct or percentile, … Continue reading

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