Why I Should Never Talk Business

Potential Investor: So, the target market for this game would be guys with a high-end gaming rig and experience with MMOs.

Meg: Or would be GIRLS.

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0 Responses to Why I Should Never Talk Business

  1. why do they (for the most part) still consider guys the target market for all things gaming? promote something other than first person shooters and i guarantee you freaks will make some money off of women…

  2. why do they (for the most part) still consider guys the target market for all things gaming? promote something other than first person shooters and i guarantee you freaks will make some money off of women…

  3. Becky says:

    Apparently we women don’t understand the nuances of buying stuff??? Because, clearly, we’re not a consumer market. Perhaps the same reasoning that goes into the idea that women aren’t a target audience for science fiction (pssssh. Women as a whole read more than men – any publisher not including a female target audience is shooting himself or herself in the foot.)

  4. Meg says:

    I’m so annoyed by the “like that, but easier” method of game development for girls. And the pink. And the assumption that immersive games are for men and that hidden object games are for girls.

    And… yeah… hopefully I’ll be able to work on a real female-focused core game in a few years.

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