There Is No TBR List

kissy vampire booksThere are a lot of annual reading challenges going around now, like reading 52 books this year, or reading more works by female authors. (My personal reading challenge is to write and post more reviews of what I’m reading, and to remember who recommended particular books to me.) A lot of the challenges include reading a book that’s been on your To Be Read list or on your shelf.

I… don’t know what that means. The whole concept of a TBR list, owning books I mean to read but haven’t gotten around to reading, doesn’t really happen for me. If I own a book, I’ve read it. Actually, if someone else in my house owns a book, I’ve probably read it. If a book is let sitting around near me, I’ve probably read it. If someone leaves a book in the building’s laundry room while I’m doing laundry, I’ve read it.

Anyway, I haven’t read every book I want to read, so I kind of have a TBR list. It’s books that friends (or NPR) have recommended, or books that other books reference, or just novels that look interesting, and I want to buy (or borrow) and read. What about you? Do you have a TBR list of books you already own and mean to read? Or is your TBR list all books you want to get your hands on?

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4 Responses to There Is No TBR List

  1. Jennette says:

    How fast do you read? I subvocalize when I read, so it really slows me down. I have a habit of starting books and never finishing them if they don’t interest me enough because I don’t want to dedicate the extra time to it. I’m amazed by people who can read a 300-page novel on a 2-hour plan trip. Part of what I like about TV is that it takes me the same amount of time to watch Breaking Bad as it does everyone else.

    • Meg Stivison says:

      I guess I read pretty fast, because I can definitely finish a novel on a 2-hour train or plane trip!

      (Another reason I don’t like driving is that it replaces my reading time on a train with trying-not-to-die/hating other drivers time. )

  2. Bill says:

    Most of my reading these days tends to be for bedtime kid reading. Finding the time to read ‘more mature’ books is difficult. This isn’t just books. The DVR is full of TV shows that I haven’t gotten to because I don’t want the kids watching them.

    • Meg Stivison says:

      Well, you do have some pretty adorable little ones, I can see that being a distraction!

      Actually, I find myself with a list of movies and TV shows I want to watch, much more than books. I guess because I like to watch movies with Harold, and having a block of 2 hours when we’re both free, and both feel like watching a movie is pretty rare. But books I can pick up and put down whenever I have a little free time.

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