Wizard 101

I was predisposed to like the new Wizard 101 game. It’s not exactly a secret that I love Harry Potter, and the game promises to be a wizard school MMOPRG. The game is adorable from the first loading screen. They’ve got a Wizard 101 gallery on the website, but it doesn’t do justice to the fantastic sketch drawings and handwritten notes, or the cheery game characters.

I was asked not to post screenshots, (edit 8/25: that’s changed, my W101 pictures are here) as the game’s still in beta, so you’re just going to have to believe me that one teacher is a qipao-clad animated cow. And there’s an attack leprechaun! Even the menu screens are draw like classroom doodles. If I could post just one screenshot, it would be the stick figure cartoons on the map and in the margins… a girl and a boy who are always getting into mischief. Also, I would put a pair of glasses on the girl!

The Wizard 101 quests are flavored with mixed-up fairy tales and subtle puns for adult players. While the quests themselves are the usual fare of “kill 5 baddies” or “return this item to an NPC”, they’re mixed with a Fairground of minigames. The minigames are quick casual games, a bit like the puzzle games in Neopets. The point of the Fairgrounds is to recharge your mana and make a few coins, but I really liked Potion Motion. (Ok, I should come clean about this. If I’m talking on the phone, I’m probably playing a casual game at the same time. Thus, Neopets.)

Usable items don’t give a visual sign on mouseover, which made it hard to tell if I could open doors or pick things up. I got a bit frustrated as I tried to pick up items that were just part of the scenery. Games have changed… when I was a wee lass, we pocketed everything not nailed down! You can, however, tell whether you can enter a building based on the color of the windows. If they’re dark, no one’s home. If they’re yellow, come on in! Bluish lights indicate an errand for you inside, usually the location of your quest or battle.

Combat is animated magical attacks, in turns between players and bad guys. The villains disappear when they’re thwarted, players are teleported home to recoup. I think the bloodless combat caters to tween girls, without going the annoying all-pink route.

The combat system is based on learning spells and adding them to your deck, collectible card game style. When I’ve played card games, I can never remember what all the little symbols describing the card mean. Icons are just the nature of squeezing a complicated system on to a card, so I’m frustrated that this computer game doesn’t allow you to click the icons and find out what they mean. There is a help section for looking up the icons when you’re not actually in combat, but Wizard 101 seems to be missing what makes computer games superior to card games, it seems like a huge oversight not to have clickable card info, or info that pops up on mouseover.

Maybe the plan is to branch out into a collectible card game. Some of the some of the “gold” cards as random rewards really seem like specials in sealed packs.

The game is intended for tweens, and I was a little annoyed by all the safety controls. Users must be over 13 to even have access to chat. Also, you can’t pick your own name, there’s a spinner that chooses a first name and a two-part last name (something like Starspinner or Whitethorn). You can set the spinner to your favorite combination, but there’s no chance to make up your own name. While it does eliminate the players running around cleverly named “YOURMOMSUCKS”, it’s billed as a safety feature, forbidding kids to use their real names and identifying information, and I think it’s taking ‘net safety a bit too far.

In general, I think internet safety programs are a waste of time, they’re treating the symptom and not the disease. Sadly, there are bad people who’ll hurt children. Kids should learn general safety rules, like not telling strangers their address and what time Mommy isn’t home, and then be reminded to apply those rules in the game as well. There are potential problems with wee ones playing online and innocently telling the wrong person their address, but a chat filter can’t substitute for good parents teaching their kids about stranger safety and making sure those rules are followed. I haven’t seen a chat filter that you can’t get around if you’re really determined to swear, you could probably get around this one as well.

I’ll stop here before getting into my usual rant about how game companies shouldn’t be expected to parent. Occupational hazard of being a twentysomething gamergirl, I guess!

If you’ll excuse me, I have to go cast some spells now.

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0 Responses to Wizard 101

  1. Pingback: Wizard 101 : thegameoflove

  2. Pingback: Wizard 101 : Thumb Gods

  3. stick says:

    You forgot to mention the ever popular, grammatically incorrect character name YOUREMOMSUCKS

  4. Kevin says:

    Another balanced review from my fav gamergirl.

  5. Kevin says:

    Also, when are you moving to NC?

  6. Pingback: On the Upcoming Wizard 101

  7. Pingback: Simpson’s Paradox » Blog Archive » Wizard 101 Pics

  8. Meg says:

    @Stick it’s a kid’s game! Not Barrens Chat!

    @ Kevin Aww, thanks! Moving tomorrow, actually.

  9. Pingback: Simpson’s Paradox » Blog Archive » Wizard 101 Pics

  10. Pingback: Carnival of Video Game Bloggers Revival! @ The Collected Writings of James Newton

  11. Pingback: Simpson’s Paradox » Blog Archive » Sneaky Wizard 101

  12. firestone says:

    I love wizard 101 very mutch , let me repeet very mutch.I also like Harry Poter too.Isin’t that cool.

  13. Pingback: The growing free-to-play model : Thumb Gods

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  16. i hate everyone on the game and i smell like butternut scwosh

  17. Meg says:

    This post seems to bring out the best in everyone.

  18. Shenme? says:

    I don’t think this game offers much to those who aren’t interested in Harry Potter and magic (or who are burned out on Potter knockoffs!) but your thoughts on net safety and kids are great, as usual!

  19. waresmith says:

    This company has no parental controls. Without my permission, my 10 year old took my credit card and charged $80 (the annual fee) three times in a row, buying tokens of some sort. He some how pretended to be me, and set up his own parent confirmation. The company emailed me saying that “Currently there’s no known method to validate a “real” parent vs. a child impersonating a parent” The company refuses to give my money back or to acknowledge their responsibility. BEWARE — not a very good company. The game is now banned in my home

  20. Meg says:

    I don’t think any online game has any responsibility for a child using a parent’s credit card without permission. If a kid hasn’t been taught not to take things that don’t belong to them, I don’t think the game is responsible for teaching them that.

    I’m a big believer in keeping the family computer in the family room so that an adult can keep an eye on the children’s online activities. I usually suggest that because that way parents can teach kids about stranger safety as it comes up but I guess it could also apply to seeing if your kids are shopping online.

  21. KatanO says:

    Oh, Meg, I can’t believe you gave that a reasonable answer. This is just blaming games for bad parenting. Someone

    1) leaves their credit card lying around
    2) has not taught their children NOT TO STEAL
    3) leaves the kid unsupervised on the internet

    and then wants the company from which the child made a purchase to take responsibility? HAHAHA If your kid stole from the mall, would you blame the mall? Teach your kid not to steal things.

  22. Gamer Dad says:

    Leaving a credit card lying around isn’t a parenting sin, I feel completely confident that I could leave my wallet around and my daughters would never open it up and take things.

    But if they did, the girls would be punished. I would make sure they took responsibility for their actions, perhaps with $240 worth of household chores, not wonder why King’s Isle doesn’t have a “my kid stole” money-back guarantee!

  23. Anonymous says:

    There is now the option of setting a parental password that must be entered every time crowns are purchased. If you have kids in the house who might well use your credit card without permission, this is a good precaution.

    I don’t have kids, and my cat doesn’t play Wizard 101, but I have the password set as an added security layer against hackers. Also, it adds an extra step I have to perform in order to buy crowns, which reduces impulse buying.

  24. Meg says:

    Oh, I like using the password as a way to prevent impulse shopping!

    I don’t think adding a parental password will prevent theft like the story waresmith wrote… if your kids haven’t been taught not to take other people’s things, and they’re going to steal your credit card, couldn’t they just steal your password, too?

  25. Allison says:

    Do you still play? I met a (fairly cute) guy when I was eating outside today and he works for the company that makes this game. Now I’m thinking about checking it out.

  26. Meg says:

    I still have it installed but haven’t played in a long time. Lots of Fallen Earth and reviews for work instead!

  27. tyloomsew says:

    i played it once but i didnt like it i play world of warcraft instead its way funner

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