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Category Archives: New York City
Working As Designed
For about a month now, I’ve been taking a game design class through General Assembly. There is so much to learn, many interesting readings, and discussions in response to the readings, and surprisingly complex class projects. We meet Wednesday nights … Continue reading
Posted in Brooklyn, Gaming Culture, New York City
Tagged coffee, Dunkin' Donuts, G Train, game design, games, general assembly, New York City, time management
I was tempted to spray my Kindle.
Origami Rocketship
The Whit.li API was one of the standouts from last week’s TechCrunch Disrupt. Whit.li uses social media telepathy, like public Facebook updates and shared links, to extrapolate the user’s personality and mood. There are endless applications for this — from … Continue reading
Words With Coworkers
At work, I’ve designed a mission chain, set in Ancient Greece, and I’ve brought it to a meeting to try to get it approved. “Well, the first thing you’re going to have to do is change the name of that … Continue reading
Fireside Chat
I’m at TechCrunch Disrupt, towards the back of a industrial hall during an informal panel of successful angel tech investors. It’s quite an interesting look at what makes a startup succeed. The interviewer’s gotten Ron Conway to admit to attending … Continue reading
From TechCrunch Disrupt
Spent today over at TechCrunch Disrupt, looking at new startup apps in Startup Alley, listening to the tech fireside chats, and, overall, just seeing trends in social media apps. After a couple pitches, I couldn’t help it. Updatr Updatr uses … Continue reading
Posted in Brooklyn, New York City
Tagged #tcdisrupt, Brooklyn, New York City, TechCrunch, TechCrunch Disrupt, there's (not) an app for that
Words With Friends, GChatting Edition
Roy: Why is the Muppet show theme song stuck in my head now? Meg: because it’s time to play the music? it’s time to light the lights?
This American Life
Listening to This American Life is usually a solitary activity. I started listening to TAL regularly when I lived in North Carolina, and I was convinced that Ira Glass was sending dispatches from the urban world directly to me (and … Continue reading
(I Attack The Darkness)
Meg: Hi, *New beta tester*, was *endless grind assignment* the least fun you’ve ever had playing a videogame? New Beta Tester: No. Yesterday Caitlin had me swimming underwater to take pictures of the darkness.