Tag Archives: Stick

Beef Noodle Shop

Last night we went to a little restaurant a few blocks from the school. From the Arabic on the sign, and the lack of pork on the menu, it’s probably a Muslim place. (This is always reassuring to me because … Continue reading

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Don’t Drink And Hop?

Stick’s already gone to bed, but I just have to share this picture. It was on a bulletin board at school with a lot of drawings of training athletes and Olympic mascots. I’m still not sure what the drunken bunny … Continue reading

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Stick’s Fan Club

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Surprise! No Desks!

We were drinking coffee in the office this morning, just before my first class, when I asked my TA to make sure the kids had their markers today. I asked the kids to bring them yesterday, but they’re only 5 … Continue reading

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Rainbow Bridge By Night

Christina’s awesome panoramic of the rainbow bridge. (PS — Eric, the Great Firewall seems to be preventing me from answering your comment, but Stick said the same thing when we saw it.)

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Chinese Civilization

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Immersion Chinese

We may have a new Juice Aunt in Beijing. Juice Aunt is the woman who sold bottled drinks outside my apartment in Yantai. She and various members of her family would be outside my house with their cart, all day, … Continue reading

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Pineapple Popcorn

We found this popcorn stand just outside our complex. First, you pick your flavor. The possible flavors are pineapple, strawberry, some word I don’t know and chocolate. Popcorn lady puts sugar and butter and pineapple flavoring in a gas-powered popcorn … Continue reading

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Spreading Seeds?

Limited time tonight, so I’ll just leave you with a picture of the least appropriate logo for a condom package. Stick says Trojans just as bad, what with the breached wall and destroyed city thing, but I say that even … Continue reading

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Chinese Copyright

Meg: Stick! Are you copying my colored-flowers lesson plan? Stick: We’re in China, there’s no intellectual property.

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