Tag Archives: Stick

Stick On Life In China

“The next time I play Civ, I’m going to NOT develop Alphabet and see how far my civilization can go.”

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Margaritaville, Beijing

Mexican WaveDongdaqiao Lu opposite the Silk Market200m north of Gui You Department Store, ??????????200????????? We decided to go to Mexican Wave mostly because it’s near the Sour Cream Emporium, that is, the Friendship Store. Inside, the place was like any … Continue reading

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Hello Kitty Chinglish

I got a pack of Hello Kitty reward stickers at the supermarket to give to my students. (I have one class with three girls called Kitty, and that makes saying “Hello, Kitty!” hilarious.) It was an assortment of stickers, with … Continue reading

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Crisis Averted

I left to go to my meeting WITHOUT A SHOWER or WASHING MY FACE, and when I was at school, I told Stick that we have no water. Stick’s class had finished, so he went home to fix it. I … Continue reading

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Why No One Here Likes Morning Showers

Because you might wake up and have no water in the apartment! I woke up and there was water to make the coffee. Then I did a little work in my bathrobe, until it was time to wake up Stick … Continue reading

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Der Landgraf

This Saturday, Stick and I went out to German restaurant in Fengtai. We planned to trek out there, have lunch and then, assuming an authentic German restaurant didn’t exist in a vacuum, wander around the area. Der Landgraf was easily … Continue reading

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Home Cooking

Stick’s parents asked what we were eating, and the short answer is that I’m trying to cook at home.For example, here’s our dinner the other night. It might not make a magazine cover, but this is some hardcore polenta. I … Continue reading

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…With Chinese Characteristics

I thought that I was familiar with the demo class as a shady recruitment policy, but my current school’s plan for a demo class might actually be a record for sketchy Chinese ESL policies. Basically, the parents are going to … Continue reading

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Stick’s Adult Class

Stick has an adult class on Thursday nights, and I often go with him. It’s a class for students who want to pass their conversational English exam, so it’s a good chance for us to ask questions about Chinese life. … Continue reading

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Schnapps and Dumplings

Our neighbors invited Stick and me to lunch on Sunday. See how nice and normal that sounds? Our neighbors are Manfred and Xuemei, a retired German and his Chinese wife. They are retired newlyweds, which is hilarious enough, because he’s … Continue reading

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