Tag Archives: Stick

Embassy District DVDs

On Saturday, Stick and I roused ourselves from our WarCraft stupor and went out in search of sour cream. Stick thinks that a life without sour cream is barely worth living, and Stick complains so rarely that I mapped out … Continue reading

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Daily Life With Stick

“Stick, I need to get on your computer to print my skit for class.” My skit is a brilliant adaptation of The Emperor’s New Clothes, with Chinese characteristics. “Right now? I’m in an instance!” That means fighting WarCraft bad guys … Continue reading

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Stick Is Happy

This is Stick making sure he gets every drop from his Guinness.

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No Spitting On The Paintings!

Stick and I went to the Capital Museum to see the Treasures From The Louvre: Art From Ancient Greece exhibit. Stick and I are both classicists so we were really excited to go. It was great to see statues and … Continue reading

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Blogs I Read

A gaijin, a megook and a laowai walk into a bar… Mutant Frogs is my friend Roy’s blog about Japan, and MantisBot is Garan’s blog about Korean life. Interesting that three of us from my high-school crew ended up in … Continue reading

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Jigga…. jigga….

The other day, I saw some new fruit at the vendor by our house. I asked for two of the small yellow apples, so Stick and I could try the crazy new things, and the vendor started to laugh. He … Continue reading

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That’s Not Broken!

Last night Stick and I passed a street vendor with a cart full of china. I found a blue-and-white mug, just right for holding toothbrushes in our turtle tank bathroom, but then I noticed a flaw on the glaze. Nothing … Continue reading

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Feed The Foreigners!

The Muslim Noodle Shop just got better. I think I’ve mentioned that I love this place, partly because the food is almost always delicious, partly because it’s cheap, but mostly because the staff doesn’t laugh hysterically at my attempts to … Continue reading

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Worth every feng.

Stick and I just spent almost 150 RMB on imported cheese.

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Auchan Shopping Adventures

If you liked the Great Wall Of Cereal, you should see the security-tagged booze selection at the Auchan. Auchan is a French-owned grocery, which means they have bread that tastes like bread. Stick and I were buying a loaf when … Continue reading

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